Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Cave, Red Eye, .. and Miami films!

While on vacation, I saw a couple of movies:

The cave: An amazing cave indeed . I don't know where they found such an amazing masterpiece of nature. But the story line sucks big time. The story is the famous repitition that this group into this cave and they get eaten by some creatures that have a parasite in their blood. And it just so happens that these creatures are so very much like Alien and that is odd. Made me feel like a rip-off sort of. The writer has tried to write it in a way that you need to see the sequel to understand why these creatures have those numbers on their skins and what has happened to the people at the begining of the movie. I think that's a mistake to hide the vital info. from viewers and hink oh. well .. pay another 10 bucks and I'll show u what I meant!

Don't waste your money on it!

Red eye: Wes craven is good at giving u the thrill and kind of the feel of what happens next ... if u like that thriller feeling even in its most Hollywood fashin , it's a good catch . It just puts you on a roller coaster that u ride on eventhough u know what the end of the road looks like! I think Rachel McAdams has been indeed great!! It was certainly a more challenging role than her role in Wedding crashers playing as a dumb girl indeed that needed a third party to warn her not to marry a selfish jerk!
As for the script, this seems to be the first feature of Carl Ellsworth and seemed a pretty tight script was shorter than normal , I guess. Worth watching!

Liar, liar: Abrilliant example of exgerration of a charcater flaw and therefore brilliant character arch, pretty amusing. I think the scene at the begining that he bounds with the kid but never plays with him is a great setup as makes us passionate for him yet shows his character.

Me, Myself, and Irene: I hated it .. Jim carey made me sick!

Paprazzi: So, so ... just a glimpse of what happens to celebs ..darn frighteneing to lose privacy

Unfaithful:Good setup but unrealistic .... what was the point again?

House Arrest: brilliant .. I loved Jaime lee curtis and the idea of the movie for kids to do such a trick ...


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