Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Another day went by and I am getting close to date I need to go back to work. While there are exciting things to think about but the thought of being away from my little Boobie makes me v. sad. The thought of missing all these wonderful first time moments. The chance of seeing her smile first thing in the morning. The chance of washing her tooshi in the morning and get how excited she gets when I open her diaper! OMG... this is sad... I wish there was a law and some enough money that I could stay with you Boobie for like 6 more months...Boobie I know we need each other like flower needing sun...you are my sunshine boobie..your presence cheers me up every single day and your smile brighten my heart...How can I survive? I am just hoping for a miracle my boobie...God, I trust you....may be you can make it happen...may be a Neiman Marcus fashion manager falls in love with my designs and I get rich...may be more people love my stuff enough to buy them...I don't know boobie...All I know is that I love u...


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